
[BICBF 2024] Illustrators' Village Application OPEN!


Busan International Children's Book Fair 2024

Illustrators' Village  Application OPEN!

  BICBF 2024 Illustrators' Village

  • Dates          28 Nov. – 1 Dec. 2024
  • Venue         Hall 2, Exhibition Center 1, BEXCO
  • Host            Korean Publishers Association
  • Organizer   Seoul International Book Fair, BEXCO
  • Sponsor      Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Busan Metropolitan City
As the first international children’s book fair in Korea, Busan International Children’s Book Fair takes its first step this year. As Busan is establishing itself as a hub for the East Asian culture industry, hosting Busan International Film Festival and G-star, BICBF aims to become Asia’s leading platform for children’s content industry. 

<Illustrators' Village> will provide an opportunity for artists to showcase their various picture books and merchandise to visitors. We are looking for artists to participate in <Illustrators' Village>, and we look forward to your interest and participation.

 Illustrators' Village  Schedule 


  Who can apply?

Illustrators who have published more than one book with an ISBN, and who can sell books and merchandises created by themselves at BICBF 2024
  • Only books with ISBNs can be sold, and participation is restricted to those who import and sell publications that are not subject to the Fixed Book Prices.

 About participation fees

  • 400,000KRW
  • Information on payment of participation fee will be provided to the finalized participants individually.

  How to apply for a Illustrators' Village

Apply on BICBF Website (

① Visit the BICBF website (
② Check the notice
③ Submit application form and portfolio via email(
  *Please list at least one title but no more than five titles

  *Portfolio must be submitted separately (no more than 10 pages / submitted as a PDF, 10MB limit)

  • Online Application             8 - 24 Jul. 2024
  • Results Announcement     29 Jul. 2024

※ Please note that it may be difficult to respond to calls and emails on Saturdays and Sundays.