About Rights Center

The Busan International Children’s Book Fair (BICBF) Rights Center aims to expand the copyright export market for Korea and raise the nation's global competitiveness in the sector by promoting abroad Korea's excellent intellectual properties.
BICBF 2024 manages the center as a platform to facilitate and arrange import and export consultations for copyright managers and agencies in and out of Korea.
We sincerely hope for the active use of the center by copyright agencies and personnel.

Information About the Rights Center

Participants Publishers and copyright agents who have registered online as a Professional.
Location Hall 2, Exhibition Center 1, BEXCO, Busan, Korea
Operation Hours 28 Nov. (Thu) – 30 Nov. (Sat) 10:00 – 18:00
1 Dec. (Sun) 10:00 – 16:00
Facilities 1 Table (Fixed for 4 days), 4 Chars, Outlet, Internet (Wi-Fi).
Entrance Pass: Rights Professionals (lanyard) 12 ea., Vouchers for the meeting persons (bracelet).
※ Offerings are subject to change
  • STEP 1
    Sign in the BICBF website

    *Please check the Overall Schedule for Rights Center Registration

  • STEP 2
    Register as a Professional

    * Professionals
    : Wed. 28 August ~ Fri. 20 September

    * Exhibitors & Fellowship
    : Mon. 23 September ~ Fri. 25 October

  • STEP 3
    Pass Fee Payment

    *Bank Transfer only

    Applicants will be notified individually
    Payment required within 2 weeks of receipt of the invoice
  • STEP 4
    Table Number Verification
    Download your E-pass
    and voucher for entrance

    *On My Page

Professional Pass

Type Time Slot The number of tables Entrance Passes Fee (USD)
4 Days
10:00 ~ 18:00 (8 hours)
* Sunday: 10:00 ~ 16:00 (6 hours)
1 12 USD 500

Rights Center Registration by users

(paid user)
Professional who use only the Rights Center
Company who participate in the International exhibition zone
Company who participate for the Fellowship Program
STEP 1. Rights Center Registration Wed. 28 August ~ Fri. 20 September Mon. 23 September ~ Fri. 25 October
※ Maximum 3 Professionals for each account ※ Maximum 1 Professional for each account
STEP 2. Payment of the purchase Payment shall be made within 2 weeks of receipt of the invoice
※ 100% of the total payment will be refundable until
Wed. 9 October (KST)
* Exhibitors can use the Rights Center for a half day(4 hours), and must register as professional to receive a half-day pass.
(AM: 10:00 ~ 14:00 / PM: 14:00 ~ 18:00)
* However, on Sun. 1 December, the operation ends at 16:00
* One half-day ticket per Exhibitor is allowed
STEP 3. Receive the entrance passes Please receive all the entrance passes at a time at the BICBF ticket office onsite
  • Except the exhibitor of the BICBF 2024, Professional Pass purchase is necessary to book tables.
  • Due to limited space, the Professional registration may close early.
  • Exhibitors are given 1 free table, and time slot for 1 table is either AM(10:00~14:00)/ or PM(14:00 ~ 18:00/16:00(Sun)
  • Exhibitors who want to use extra tables, can purchase the table during the paid user registration period.
  • A Professional Pass (paid user) can purchase Maximum 2 passes.


  • Tel. +82-2-733-8402 (extension. 9927)
  • E-mail. bicbf@kpa21.or.kr